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[edit] Template-info.svg Template documentation

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Hatnote".

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "High-use".

The template {{Abbr}} is used to write an abbreviation (including an acronym or initialism) with its meaning. It is a wrapper for the HTML element <abbr>...</abbr>, to create a tooltip indicating the meaning of the term. The {{Tooltip}} variant is the same, except it uses the <span>...</span> element, and is for providing mouse-over notes about non-abbreviations.

Please note: Do not use خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Template link general". or <abbr> to mark up material other than abbreviations (including acronyms). Using it to generate tooltips elsewhere is a misuse of the underlying HTML and causes accessibility problems. For general-purpose tooltips, use {{tooltip}} instead.

Note that readers on mobile devices typically do not have a mouse to hover with, and so generally cannot see tooltip contents. Mobile users may access tooltips via a tap by modifying the settings for Reference Tooltips, but this is not so useful on linked text, because the same tap that brings up the tooltip also follows the hyperlink to the destination page. As of 2021, approximately the same number of English Wikipedia page views occur on mobile vs. desktop web browsers.[١]


The template {{abbr}} and its {{tooltip}} variant take two unnamed parameters, in order:

|1= or first unnamed parameter
the term to be explained; shows as text, and may use wikimarkup, such as a link to an article about what it refers to.
|2= or second unnamed parameter
the expansion or definition or other note about the term; shows as the popup when you hover over the term. No wikimarkup can be used in this parameter.

Use explicitly numbered parameters if a parameter's content contains the equals (=) character:

  • Complex example: [[Mass–energy equivalence|{{abbr|{{math|''E'' {{=}} ''mc''<sup>2</sup>}}|2=Energy = mass times the speed of light squared}}]]
  • Produces: [[Mass–energy equivalence|

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "High-use".

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "For".

The math template formats HTML- or wiki markup-generated mathematical formulas. (It does not accept the AMS-LaTeX markup that <math> does.) The template uses the texhtml class by default for inline text style formulas, which aims to match the size of the serif font with the surrounding sans-serif font (see below). The template also prevents line-wrapping.


Use this template for inline, non-complex formulas as an alternative to using the <math>...</math> tag pair (see: Help:Math).


{{math|''f''(''PLI''ᴕ^1) {{=}} ''b''<sup>''x''</sup> {{=}} ''y''}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math
{{math|sin &pi; {{=}} 0}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math.
{{math|{{intmath|int|0|+&infin;}} ''e''<sup>−''x''</sup> d''x'' {{=}} 1}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math
'''{{math|{{sfrac|1|2}} − {{sfrac|1|3}} {{=}} {{sfrac|1|6}}}}'''
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math. Note the triple-apostrophes have set the whole formula as bold.
{{math|({{radic|2}})<sup>2</sup> {{=}} 2}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math.

Use of equals-sign and absolute value bars

The equals sign, =, and bar, |, are used as syntax by the wiki template system. Therefore, if a single equals-sign ("=") is used, it will fail to render, instead showing "{{{1}}}". For example, the following template-coding would be invalid:

{{math|1 + 2 = 3}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math, which is invalid code

To resolve this, either: (a) Start the formula with "1=" as in:

{{math|1=1 + 2 = 3}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math, or else, (b) enclose the equals-sign in double-braces "{{=}}" as in:
{{math|1 + 2 {{=}} 3}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math.

A similar difficulty concerns the vertical bars ("|") used to indicate absolute value, which without care would get interpreted as part of the template syntax. The solution is different than for the equals sign: such bars should be entered as "{{!}}":

{{math|{{!}}''f''(''x'') − ''a''{{!}} < ε}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math.

This example can also be produced by the following:

{{math|{{mabs|''f''(''x'') − ''a''}} < ε}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math


The following parameters are optional:

  • big=1 – This will render the formula in a bigger fontsize, increased to 165%.
  • size=font-size – Use this to specify your own fontsize.
{{math|big=1|1 + 2 {{=}} 3}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math
{{math|size=250%|1 + 2 {{=}} 3}}
produces: تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Math


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template based on this TemplateData.

TemplateData for Abbr

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Check for unknown parameters".

This template formats markup generated mathematical formulas with HTML and CSS. The template tries to match the size of the serif font with the surrounding sans-serif font. The template also prevents line-wrapping. Use this template for non-complex formulas as an alternative to using the <math> format.

وسائط القالب


wrap an inline formula in wikitext.

bigger font sizebig

if set to ‘1’, this will render the formula in a bigger font size, increased to 165%

custom font sizesize

use this to specify your own font size



The font and fontsize used for texhtml, as defined in MediaWiki:Common.css, was determined by comparing common default fonts found on Windows, OS X and Linux and is scaled to 118% to match their x-height. However, not everyone uses the default fonts. If you find that the rendered math is not of the same size as the surrounding text, you can adjust this in your personal CSS. For instance, the DejaVu Sans and DejaVu Serif fonts do not need scaling, in which case .mw-parser-output span.texhtml { font-size: 100%; } will restore proper display.

The texhtml classname is a remnant from the TeX renderer, which had a user preference to render TeX-written formulae in "HTML when simple". That option has been removed some time ago, but the classname continues to be used for formulae written in HTML.

Tracking category

  • Articles with unknown parameters are listed in [[:Category:خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "string".|Category:خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "string".]] (٠).
    • These same errors are notes in a

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Hatnote". خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "High-use".

This template provides a "clickable button" formatting style for text. This button is not clickable, and care should be taken when using it to avoid readers thinking the result may be. (It has an explanatory tooltip for users hovering over it, but that may not always be displayed, or only displayed after too long a delay, so that it may not show up to people trying to click it.)

If you need a clickable button, use {{Clickable button}}.


Alternatively, {{Button|button text}} also produces تم كشف حلقة قالب: قالب:Button

See also

  • {{Key press}} – used to illustrate keystrokes, including key combinations (e.g. خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "key".)
  • {{Key top}} – produces a similar visual effect, but includes more symbols and does not directly support key combos (e.g. ⇬ Caps Lock)
  • {{PlayStation key press}} – to simulate PlayStation-style gamepad buttons (e.g. )
  • {{Kbd}} – to indicate user input (of any kind) without making it look like keys or buttons

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Navbox".


See also

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Navbox with collapsible groups".]]

Named parameters (usually not needed) and the input they take:

One or more CSS classes (space-separated if more than one)
An HTML id (i.e., a #ID name here link anchor); this must be unique on the entire page.
Arbitrary inline CSS to apply to the displayed text of the term (has no effect on the tooltip text). For any input that needs to be quotation-marked (e.g. because it contains a space character), use straight single-quotes only, e.g. |style=font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;


Markup Renders asخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "For loop".

When hovering over the text "MSLP", something like Mean Sea Level Pressure will appear as a tooltip in most browsers. Popular screen readers, used by visually impaired readers, give the meaning in a different way.

Markup Renders asخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "For loop".
Markup Renders asخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "For loop".

Linking must be done a particular way

To wiki-link the abbreviation being marked up by this template, wrap the template in the link, not vice-versa, or the meaning will not appear in some browsers, including Chrome.

Compatibility Markup Renders as
Compatible [[Knockout#Technical knockout|{{abbr|TKO|technical knockout}}]] TKO
Less compatible {{abbr|[[Knockout#Technical knockout|TKO]]|technical knockout}} TKO

Do not link, or use any other wikimarkup or HTML markup, in the meaning (popup) – only plain text.
The mouse-over popup for the meaning text is created by a title= attribute inside an <abbr> HTML element's opening tag, so it cannot itself contain any HTML (or markup that resolves to HTML when rendered). This includes simple things like ''italics''.

Accessibility and HTML validity concerns

{{Abbr}} template is intended only for use with abbreviations (including acronyms and initialisms).

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines contain guidelines for using the <abbr> element generated by this template; see section H28: Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr and acronym elements.

Furthermore, the HTML specifications (both those of the W3C and WHATWG) strictly define the <abbr> element as reserved for markup of abbreviations. Abusing it for mouse-over tooltips breaks our semantic markup and makes our content invalid HTML (technically, "not well-formed"; it will pass an basic automated validator test because such a tool can't tell that the logical application of the data to the structure isn't correct, only that tags are nested properly, etc.).


The following template names will redirect to {{Abbr}}:

{{Tooltip}} is a separate template sharing the same documentation.

Template data

This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template based on this TemplateData.

TemplateData for Abbr

خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Check for unknown parameters".

This template defines an abbreviation or acronym, by creating a tooltip that is displayed on mouse-over.

وسائط القالب


Shows as text


Shows as a mouse-over tooltip


applies the specified CSS directives to the content of parameter 1


Adds a one or more CSS classes


Adds an HTML id (must be unique in the page)


See also

  • {{Abbrlink}}, a variant of this template that includes automatic wikilinking of the term (abbreviation).
  • {{Hover title}}, same as {{Tooltip}} except with parameters 1 and 2 reversed, and some parameters to control linking
  • {{dfn}}